Organizing a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol

  To start your own neighborhood mobile watch patrol in your community you will want to unite the following groups to assist in getting the program started. A Neighborhood Watch Patrol Program will deter crime and help the community feel safe and secure. By uniting these groups in your community you will have a strong team to keep the crime out.


A wide variety of participants is needed to launch a successful Neighborhood Watch program. In this section necessary participants are listed, along with a description of the kind of support needed from each. As many of you know, implementing a community-based project requires the interest, cooperation, and support from many people. But the end result is definitely worthwhile!

Increasing the safety of a neighborhood benefits everyone from children and parents, to local businesses. Not only does reducing crime in an area increase everyone's quality of life, but it can also help increase property values.


The local Chamber of Commerce is the ideal organization to coordinate the program. They should be asked to help build interest in the program by announcing the program to its members at meetings, and running press releases in newsletters or membership mailings. (Be sure to check the press release section for samples). The Chamber of Commerce should also be requested to act as liaison between their members and the local Police Department. They will need to schedule with the Community Relations Officer of the Police Department a time to come and talk to their members, (more than one meeting may be necessary). Once the program is started, Chambers collect and keep track of participants and schedule training sessions, and issues certificates of completion to participants (a nice touch!). In addition to training, signage and print material are needed. The Chamber can contract one of their members to make the magnetic signs and order the cling stickers with the imprinted logos, and print flyers. Other tasks that Chambers can perform to increase the success of the program is to create a list of target participants, send flyers to these targeted businesses and individuals, and alert media sources.


The Police department will provide a Community Relations person to explain to participants the need to report crimes and what is actually a crime. They will explain that if someone cuts you off on the Highway it is an unfortunate situation but not a crime and to limit phone calls to important things. Most importantly, they will explain that the participants are the eyes and ears of the Police, not vigilantes. The Police will also ask participants to have the police departments phone number programmed into their cellular phones and to only use the 911 feature only for accidents involving injuries and very serious situations. The Police department will also give certificates to participants once they have completed the seminar, which will be signed by police chief or local Community Relations Officer.


City Council members will very likely endorse the project at a city council meeting and give a proclamation to the President of the Chamber of Commerce for the Chambers and local businesses service to community. Most cities can allot at least $2,500.00 towards the project for the signage. Donations for the remainder can often be obtained from large companies in the area. By announcing it at a city council meeting the program will receive the publicity it needs to get quality participants.


Local Radio stations are very supportive of the community. Request that they play public service announcements. Also, you will find that local newspapers will place flyers in the papers to announce the project, local cable stations will film participants driving down the street and interview seminar participants.


This will be the person who keeps all the different groups happy and coordinates the program. It is best to have a prominent volunteer type individual for this, someone who is already known for their community involvement; maybe even sits on a few non-profit boards and municipal committees. Someone everyone likes. The Chairperson will be in charge of making great quotes in the media, organizing participants and volunteers and scheduling meetings. Follow ups, thank you letters and personal invitations. Also keeping track of all the events and making agendas and cooperating with neighboring cities who follow this plan later. Other responsibilities include interfacing with non-profit groups to make sure they can participate, and contacting Board of Realtors, Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist, Lions, Elks, clubs etc. In short, an ombudsman to council people, Mayor and city manager.

We have all heard the comments about the Rent-A-Cops or the $5.15 per hour security guard telling us we can or cannot do something. Often these folks up set us and many people are rather abrasive back to them, calling them names and complaining. Thus most security companies do not have a very good public persona.

Yet this does not need to be the case and with a little smart public relations planning a security company can turn around this perception you see. How so you ask? Well why have them involved in a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol? Consider if you will that:

SECURITY COMPANIES: They already are in this line of work and have lots of vehicles and often employ former police officers and military personnel. They have communication, scanners, and bright lights. They will be glad to join the program simply for the PR value. This adds numbers to your group. Some security companies have 10 plus vehicles and with the signs on the back they are advertising your program on all their cars and receive just as much PR for being involved. We believe this is a great trade and they will also volunteer to help with the program. It is in their best interest to be involved. If your program gets too large they may help your program train new recruits since they probably have former retired sheriffs or police officers on staff or perhaps the company is owned by a former police chief.

Why not give the security companies a little respect and allow them to participate in some community goodwill? Public relations and respect can be earned for a security company and it makes sense that the participate and help us all take a bite out of crime. Consider all this in 2006.

Have you ever thought of setting up a Neighborhood Watch Program in your community? Well, if you own a small business which uses company vehicles there maybe a way to unite with other business and really protect your community.

We believe that it is important that all members of our communities feel safe and secure. The Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol program, created by Lance Winslow, is a low-cost program that anyone can initiate in their own communities. By involving the local Police Department, Chamber of Commerce, and volunteers who are in occupations which require them to travel around many neighborhoods, a neighborhood watch program can be created which will deter criminal activities.

Now more than ever it is important for all Americans to be observant and watch out for each other. You may event want to add special information on arson watch to your neighborhood watch program, as this is going to be a high risk fire season.

The details of this program are outlined in the book "How To Start a Successful Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol", written by Lance Winslow This book is available online, by clicking on the links below. You can even download the complete 5-part eBook on PDF format.

The Benefits of Optician Certification

Opticians are eye wear professionals who work in national retail chains, optometry offices, and ophthalmology clinics. Their primary job is to help customers find the perfect pair of prescription eyeglasses and make sure they fit comfortably. In order to perform the job of an optician well, one must obtain specific knowledge and skills. Since there are only approximately 23 states that currently require opticians to be licensed, the path to acquiring those skills can vary quite a bit.

In states that require an optician to be licensed, it is fairly common for individuals to complete either a two-year degree program or an apprenticeship. Since there are relatively few opticianry degree programs available, many opticians choose to go the route of an apprenticeship. An apprenticeship basically consists of supervised training for a specified period of time. Once the apprentice has fulfilled the required hours, they typically complete a state licensing exam.

States vary in terms of the licensing exam that they require opticians to successfully pass. Some states have their own exam while others simply require that opticians take the American Board of Opticianry (ABO) Exam and the National Contact Lens Examiners (NCLE) Exam. The ABO and NCLE exams are nationally recognized as the standard form of optician competence assessment and they can provide some very positive benefits to opticians who have passed them.

In states that have no optician licensing requirements it is generally left to employers to decide whether or not they will require opticians to take the ABO and NCLE exams. In these states, some employers will expect opticians to take the exams while others will not. Regardless of employer expectations it is a good idea for opticians to voluntarily complete the exams.

The first benefit that ABO and NCLE credentialing brings is an increase in optician salary. Most employers, regardless of state requirements, prefer to hire credentialed opticians. The ability to communicate to customers that a business hires only competent opticians is much simpler if those opticians have been certified. This establishes rapport with customers and puts them at ease knowing that they are being assisted by competent professionals.

Another benefit that ABO and NCLE certification offers is the ability to transfer credentials among states. This dramatically increases the number of potential job opportunities available to an optician. Since some states require opticians to be certified, it makes things a lot easier to already have those credentials prior to moving to a regulated state. Otherwise, an optician may be forced to go back to school for two years or complete a long apprenticeship.

One final benefit of being a certified optician is the fact that the optician knows that they have met national standards for optician competence. Opticians who work in unregulated states are commonly trained to only understand what they need to know in order to complete the tasks that a specific employer has deemed important. The ability to pass the ABO and NCLE exams requires a comprehensive understanding of opticianry and is a sign that an optician truly understands the industry well.

Opticians are valuable members of an optical business because so much of vision related revenue comes from the sale and repair of eyeglasses. Anyone who has ever purchased a pair of glasses knows that a single frame with custom lenses usually runs anywhere from $200 to $1500. Of course, the exact cost depends on the brand of the frame and the type of lens customizations ordered.

Since eyeglasses represent such an important revenue source, it makes sense that opticians would be encouraged to spend a lot of time with customers helping them make sure that they find the perfect pair of glasses. For this reason, opticians often end up spending more time with customers than anyone else on the eye care team. Good optical employers understand how important it is to have satisfied opticians working for them and they are willing to pay generous salaries in order to keep great opticians.

Many states do not require opticians to have formal education or training in order to be employed. States that do have optician regulations generally only require a couple of years of training and instruction before an optician can be licensed. Given the relatively low amount of time invested in optician training, the amount that most opticians are paid is very appealing.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the median annual wage for opticians in May of 2010 was $32,940. While some opticians make less and others make more, the median salary reflects very well on the profession. Given that many students graduating from four-year degree programs are unable to make much more than this, it stands to reason that the optician salary is a very good return on investment.

When assessing how much one will be paid, the optician must consider the size and type of establishment where they intend to work. Optical stores that focus primarily on retail sales are more likely to pay a higher salary than those that place more emphasis on medical eye care. Some optical businesses will allow opticians to focus solely on retail sales while others will ask opticians to perform other tasks as well. It goes without saying, that an optician who does nothing but sell product is probably going to make more money.

The other factor that an optician must consider is the level of education, training, and credentialing that they have. Generally, optical employers will pay higher salaries to opticians who have completed a degree program or an apprenticeship and who have successfully passed the ABO and NCLE certification exams. This is one of the more compelling reasons that an optician might consider voluntary seeking credentials.

The optician profession is very rewarding financially When compared to other professionals in the healthcare field, opticians enjoy some of the most straightforward job responsibilities and some of the highest salaries. Individuals considering a career change should take a serious look at opticianry.

Life Style Changes For You

f you are overweight, don't think "I need to go on a diet", instead think "I need a new lifestyle".

When you finally decide you need to lose the weight, don't start a diet as an immediate solution to a problem, like having to buy a larger size dress instead of one two sizes smaller than you are; or your belt is too small and you have to buy a larger one, not a good sign. In men, an increase in waistline can mean your heart may be feeling the pressure of that extra fat around your waist.

Time to make some changes; but these changes cannot or should not be made to solve a temporary obstacle. You must decide to change your life-style rather than going on a diet. You know that what you have been doing so far does not work, so perhaps it's time to try something different.

Don't be impatient to lose those unwanted pounds, allow yourself enough time to lose them safely. Remember, you did not gain the weight overnight and you cannot expect your body to drop those pounds overnight.

By now you have realized that all those diets you have been on, just do not work! Time for a different approach. Time for a life-style change.

Think long-term results. Start by finding out what your caloric intake should be, based on your sex, height, age and physical activity. In order to start losing the weight, deduct 500 calories daily from your plan if you want to lose one pound per week. I know, that does not sound like much, but then, in order to lose more, increase your physical activity and the crowning point is...Stop eating from fast food places, which contain high amounts of saturated fats, salt and carbohydrates.

Yes, in this time of stress, rushing from here to there, working late and whatever else, it is easier to turn to fast food, processed foods and processed meats which are loaded with all kind of chemicals for enhancing color, and Nitrites for extending the shelve life of the product. Let's not forget boxed or canned items.

By embracing all the modern commodities of our life-style, which by the way, are wonderful, we should also be aware of what it is exactly that we are consuming and what exactly are manufacturers feeding us. Make a habit of reading labels.

Try a life-style change that includes protein, vegetables, and low sugar fruits, instead of refined carbohydrates, loaded with sugar, boxed or canned foods not only loaded with chemicals but also with salt.

Take charge of your life and make a life-style change for a healthier you!

Would you believe that your life style could cause you to get cancer? Eighteen years ago, before I got cancer, I believed what modern medicine said about how you get cancer. At that time they said it was genetic, that your ancestors passed down the disease to you. I believed what they said, they were the scientists with all the answers. Then I got cancer of the prostate and sure enough it runs on the men's side of my family. Luckily I made a very wise decision. I decided to use Thompsonian Naturopathic Medicine to cure my cancer. That meant that I was not going to use modern medicine, I was going to use natural healing techniques only.

The naturopathic doctor I worked with said that "yes I had a genetic predisposition to get prostate cancer." Than he gave me a thumbnail sketch of how cancer gets started. We all have genetic weaknesses some weaker than others. Visualize the organs of your body like a chain. Then see that chain pulled by your life style. If your life style is poor enough you will find the weakest link, and the others will also be affected.

Well I discovered that mine were weaknesses in my prostate, lungs, low back, right hip, right knee and liver. Those are my main weak genetic links. When I look back at those years before I contracted the cancer, those were the areas where I was suffering. My lungs were always giving me problems, I had low back pain constantly, my right hip and knee were a problem, and I had a lot of severe pain between the shoulder blades (a symptom of gall bladder, liver problems).

The naturopath told me that if I changed my life style enough, these problems would disappear along with the cancer.

I still had a hard time believing that my life style had anything to do with the cancer. Here is why. I lived the typical American life style. I was moderate in my habits. I never did anything in excess. I did eat white bread; used sugar moderately, drank coffee once a day, and ate some meat. I ate what I thought were many fruits and vegetables and I took vitamin supplements. I ate fast food maybe once or twice a week. I was in very good physical shape. At that time, I held a second-degree black belt in karate and I practiced daily. I was on no medications and I had never suffered from a major disease. Actually, I believe I was above average in my health habits.

Never the less, I trusted the naturopath and so I decided to do exactly what he said would cure the cancer.

This doctor then told me what I must do, "you must stop doing everything you are doing with your diet and lifestyle and do just the opposite". So I stopped eating meat and ate vegetables, stopped eating refined white bread and ate 100 percent whole wheat, I stopped eating white rice and ate brown etc. I did something I had never done; I started cleansing and detoxing and when I did I stopped eating solid food and I juice fasted with herbs.

I extended this to other areas of my life. I looked at my whole life and began to go in the opposite direction. I stopped working for money and started working at a career I loved, to earn a living. I avoided or broke off relationships with negative people and situations. I established a direct relationship with God.

Well, to my surprise the cancer disappeared and so did the other problems, just as the naturopathic doctor said they would. I never went back to the old life style and I am now happier and healthier than I have ever been in my life and I have not drawn a sick breath in the last eighteen years.

Look at your life, are you willing to exchange your life for your bad habits? Are you so loyal to garbage foods that you would die rather than change? Since I became a Thompsonian Naturopath I have seen people die rather than change their life style. Think about this, it can be honorable to die rather than surrender, but choose an honorable cause for your death.

I highly suggest you go to the Health Section of my website and read Nutrition and Health and the Digestion Process Next, go to the Programs Section and read Where Do I Start and Cleansing and Detoxing to learn the importance of alkalizing and cleansing and detoxing your body. Also, go to the Supplements Section and read The Truth About Vitamins.


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